NASA Welcomes Argentina as Newest Artemis Accords Signatory
During a ceremony at the Casa Rosada in Buenos Aires on Thursday, July 27, Argentina became the 28th…
Worldwide Smartphone Shipments declined with 7.8% Drop in the Second Quarter: IDC
Worldwide smartphone shipments declined 7.8% year over year to 265.3 million units in the second quarter of 2023…
A wearable ultrasound scanner could detect breast cancer earlier
When breast cancer is diagnosed in the earliest stages, the survival rate is nearly 100 percent. However, for…
NASA Partners with 11 U.S. Companies on Key Moon, Exploration Tech
NASA has selected 11 U.S. companies to develop technologies that could support long-term exploration on the Moon and…
New maps show antimicrobial resistance varies within Wisconsin neighborhoods
University of Wisconsin–Madison researchers have recently revealed that the effectiveness of common antibiotics could depend on the neighborhood…
A simpler method for learning to control a robot
Researchers from MIT and Stanford University have devised a new machine-learning approach that could be used to control…
Workshop on small wind energy systems for policy makers in Nepal
Kathmandu– “Workshop on small wind energy systems for policy makers in Nepal” has been organized by Nepal Academy of science and Technology (NAST) in association with Arizona State University (ASU), in Lalitpur on 1- 3 October 2015. This workshop has been conducted by Vocational Training and Education for Clean Energy (VOCTEC) Program, supported by United States Agency for International Development (USAID).
Voxy Wins 2015 Brandon Hall Group Gold Award for Best Advance in Custom Content
Voxy, the only online language solution to offer a fully personalized and adaptive English course based exclusively on real-world content has won a Brandon Hall Group gold award for excellence…
Professor Sijbrand de Jong elected as next President of CERN Council
Geneva,– CERN Council today announced the election of Professor Sijbrand de Jong as its 22nd President for a period of one year renewable twice, with a mandate starting on 1…
Ned Kalin wins Anna-Monika prize for neuroscience research
Ned Kalin, chair of psychiatry at the UW School of Medicine and Public Health, will receive a major award this week at a conference in Amsterdam for his work in…