

Art that integrates data visualizations can help bridge the US political divide over climate change

Art that integrates data visualizations can help bridge the US political divide over climate change

Communicating science to a general audience can be challenging. Successfully conveying research on polarizing topics such as climate…

Jul 9, 20235 min read
Ticks may be able to spread chronic wasting disease among deer

Ticks may be able to spread chronic wasting disease among deer

A new study from researchers at the University of Wisconsin–Madison finds that ticks can harbor transmissible amounts of…

Jul 7, 20235 min read
Growing bio-inspired polymer brains for artificial neural networks

Growing bio-inspired polymer brains for artificial neural networks

The development of neural networks to create artificial intelligence in computers was originally inspired by how biological systems…

Jul 6, 20233 min read
IAEA Finds Japan’s Plans to Release Treated Water into the Sea at Fukushima Consistent with International Safety Standards

IAEA Finds Japan’s Plans to Release Treated Water into the Sea at Fukushima Consistent with International Safety Standards

An International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) safety review has concluded that Japan’s plans to release treated water stored…

Jul 5, 20234 min read
Striking lightning captured by Europe’s first Lightning Imager

Striking lightning captured by Europe’s first Lightning Imager

European Organisation for the Exploitation of Meteorological Satellites (Eumetsat) released the first animations from the Lightning Imager onboard…

Jul 4, 20234 min read
With sheer determination, researchers can make tough materials that bend without breaking

With sheer determination, researchers can make tough materials that bend without breaking

Shear band formation is not typically a good sign in a material — the bands often appear before…

Jul 2, 20234 min read


Acetic acid as a proton shuttle in gold chemistry

Acetic acid as a proton shuttle in gold chemistry

ByRevoScienceJul 29, 20153 min read

Scientists in Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow have studied the mechanism of gold-mediated transformation of acetylenic molecules. A recently published study by Ananikov and co-workers gives a vivid example of unusual chemical reactivity found in the reactions with organogold complexes. Using the complex of modern physical methods joined with computational studies, the authors proposed reaction […]

NASA Hosts ‘Quest for Quakes’ Data Challenge

NASA Hosts ‘Quest for Quakes’ Data Challenge

ByAmrita TuladharJul 26, 20154 min read

A new NASA challenge is looking for evidence to support a theory that electromagnetic pulses (EMP) may precede an earthquake, potentially offering a warning to those in the quake’s path.…

Call for Media: Presentation of Sentinel-2 first images and demonstration of applications

Call for Media: Presentation of Sentinel-2 first images and demonstration of applications

ByRevoScienceJul 19, 20152 min read

Paris– Media representatives are invited to a presentation of potential applications using the early images from the second satellite in orbit for the EU’s Copernicus Earth observation programme.The event, jointly organised…

Nurturing scientific talent for Singapore’s development

Nurturing scientific talent for Singapore’s development

ByAmrita TuladharJul 17, 20152 min read

Singapore’s Agency for Science, Technology and Research has held the Scholarship Awards Ceremony. Singapore—The Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A*STAR) welcomed a new cohort of scholars and fellows that…