Researchers identify a protein central for separating genetic material into daughter cells during cell division
During cell division, chromosomes, i.e., molecules containing our genetic material, must be properly replicated and segregated so that…
Archeologists uncover evidence of intentional-burial cave engravings by early human ancestor
New observations and excavations in South African caves have found that Homo naledi, an early human ancestor, intentionally buried…
NASA Welcomes Spain as 25th Artemis Accords Signatory
Spain became the 25th country to sign the Artemis Accords.
Clearer picture of watershed quality helps people put dollar values on improvements
It may be easy to argue that cleaning up a river is inherently good, but it’s far harder…
Researchers Shed Further Light onto Zinc Homeostasis in Cells
A research group has unearthed how zinc transporter complexes regulate zinc ion (Zn2+) concentrations in different areas of…
Laser-induced Monolayer Graphene Nanoprocessing
Tohoku University researchers have applied their simple femtosecond laser technique to ultra-thin atomic layers of graphene, resulting in…
NASA Selects Eight Projects for 2016 X-Hab Academic Innovation Challenge
NASA is working with eight U.S. universities on new technology projects for deep space exploration, including the agency’s journey to Mars, as part of the 2016 X-Hab Academic Innovation Challenge. The challenge, which is led by NASA and the National Space Grant Foundation, has teams designing systems, concepts and technologies that will help improve NASA’s […]
College Board and NSF expand partnership to bring computer science classes to high schools across the U.S.
The College Board and the National Science Foundation (NSF) has announced an extension of their partnership to support teachers and schools in offering the new Advanced Placement (AP®) Computer Science Principles course…
Photonics Global Conference 2015
The Photonics Global Conference (PGC) is a biennial event held since 2008. The aim of this conference is to foster interactions among broad disciplines in the photonics family. The conference…
NASA Invites Universities to Submit Innovative Early-Stage Technology Proposals
NNS– NASA is seeking proposals from universities for early stage technology development that will support the agency’s long-term plans for human exploration of Mars and scientific study of our solar…