

Five billion people are unprotected from trans fat leading to heart disease

Five billion people are unprotected from trans fat leading to heart disease

Around five billion people globally remain unprotected from harmful trans fat, a new status report from WHO has…

Jan 30, 20234 min read
Kailasanatha Temple: A Largest Monolithic Rock-Cut Monument In the World

Kailasanatha Temple: A Largest Monolithic Rock-Cut Monument In the World

Kailasanatha Temple, the temple was declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1983 as part of the Ellora…

Jan 30, 20238 min read
New center will build on work of university’s Public History Project

New center will build on work of university’s Public History Project

The University of Wisconsin–Madison will establish a permanent center with a full-time staff to continue and expand on…

Jan 29, 20235 min read
Artificial photosynthesis uses sunlight to make biodegradable plastic

Artificial photosynthesis uses sunlight to make biodegradable plastic

In recent years, environmental problems caused by global warming have become more apparent due to greenhouse gases such…

Jan 26, 20232 min read
Spin transport measured through molecular films now long enough to develop spintronic devices

Spin transport measured through molecular films now long enough to develop spintronic devices

A research group, at the Osaka Metropolitan University Graduate School of Engineering, has succeeded in measuring spin transport…

Jan 25, 20233 min read
New nanoparticles deliver therapy brain-wide, edit Alzheimer’s gene in mice

New nanoparticles deliver therapy brain-wide, edit Alzheimer’s gene in mice

Gene therapies have the potential to treat neurological disorders like Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases, but they face a…

Jan 21, 20233 min read


“Water Man of India” makes rivers flow again

“Water Man of India” makes rivers flow again

ByAmrita TuladharApr 9, 20156 min read

Revival of traditional rainwater harvesting has transformed the driest state in India, and could be used to combat the effects of climate change across the world. Chennai − School textbooks in India have been telling children for generations that Rajasthan is an inhospitable state in the northwest of the country, constrained by the hot, hostile […]

Frost & Sullivan: Convergence Can Provide New Growth Opportunities for Companies

Frost & Sullivan: Convergence Can Provide New Growth Opportunities for Companies

ByAmrita TuladharApr 6, 20154 min read

Bangkok– Frost & Sullivan hosted the 2015 Growth, Innovation & Leadership summit in Bangkok, discussing Convergence of industries and digital transformation of the Thai economy. Koh Eng Lok, Country Head,…

NASA Creates Partnership to Advance Composite Materials for Aircraft of the Future

NASA Creates Partnership to Advance Composite Materials for Aircraft of the Future

ByAmrita TuladharApr 3, 20153 min read

NASA has established a public-private partnership with five organizations to advance knowledge about composite materials that could improve the performance of future aircraft. Composites are innovative new materials for building…

APPEL Named Best Academy in the World by the Project Management Institute

APPEL Named Best Academy in the World by the Project Management Institute

ByAmrita TuladharApr 1, 20153 min read

NASA’s Academy of Program/Project and Engineering Leadership (APPEL) was recognized as the global leader in project management training. Human Systems International (HSI), a division of the Project Management Institute (PMI),…