

tRNA-MaP: functional analyses of RNA-related enzymes using a next-generation DNA sequencer

tRNA-MaP: functional analyses of RNA-related enzymes using a next-generation DNA sequencer

Japan- Genetic information encoded in genomic DNA is transcribed to mRNAs and then the codons on mRNA are…

Dec 29, 20223 min read
Drying process could be key step in the development of life

Drying process could be key step in the development of life

MADISON – One-hundred fifty years ago, Charles Darwin speculated that life likely originated in a warm little pond.…

Dec 28, 20224 min read
Ultrafast and ultra-sensitive protein detection method allows for ultra-early disease diagnoses

Ultrafast and ultra-sensitive protein detection method allows for ultra-early disease diagnoses

Protein detection based on antigen–antibody reaction is vital in the early diagnosis of a wide range of diseases.…

Dec 26, 20223 min read
What medication flavors do cats prefer? Science says none

What medication flavors do cats prefer? Science says none

Cats are cats. Any cat lover knows they can transition from sweet and cuddly to stubborn and sassy…

Dec 21, 20225 min read
Shedding light on photosynthesis at sea

Shedding light on photosynthesis at sea

Land plants mainly absorb red and blue light from the sun and use it for photosynthesis. However, only…

Dec 20, 20223 min read
NASA Launches International Mission to Survey Earth’s Water

NASA Launches International Mission to Survey Earth’s Water

A satellite built for NASA and the French space agency Centre National d’Études Spatiales (CNES) to observe nearly…

Dec 19, 20225 min read


Celebrating ‘International Day of Cosmonautics and Aviation 2015’ in Nepal

Celebrating ‘International Day of Cosmonautics and Aviation 2015’ in Nepal

ByAmrita TuladharMar 27, 20154 min read

By Anishma Dhakal, Contributor Kathmandu— After the successful celebration of Yuri’s Night last year, Nepal Astronomical Society (NASO) is back again with more exciting events and programs for the celebration of International day of Cosmonautics and Aviation. As always NASO calls on young learners and space enthusiasts to mark the milestone in the world of […]

ICIMOD observes partnership with Myanmar

ICIMOD observes partnership with Myanmar

ByAmrita TuladharMar 27, 20154 min read

Kathmandu— Greatly appreciating the Government of Myanmar’s partnership with the International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD), Minister U Win Tun of Ministry of Environmental Conservation and Forestry (MoECAF) said…



ByAmrita TuladharMar 22, 20158 min read

Amrita Tuladhar “Bring stone—Bring brick.” We all have heard the tale of Akbar and Birbal where Birbal decides to build a palace in sky for Akbar. Because it was Birbal…

PolyU hosts 8th International Symposium of Intimate Apparel

PolyU hosts 8th International Symposium of Intimate Apparel

ByAmrita TuladharMar 22, 20153 min read

Organized by the Institute of Textiles and Clothing (ITC) of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU), the Eighth International Symposium of Intimate Apparel was held at PolyU on 17 March…