An expert team from the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) has completed a review of the Borssele Nuclear Power Plant’s long-term operational safety in the Kingdom of the Netherlands.
The Pre-Safety Aspects of Long-Term Operation (Pre-SALTO) review mission was requested by the country’s Authority for Nuclear Safety and Radiation Protection (ANVS). During the ten-day mission, held from 19 to 28 November, the team reviewed the plant’s preparedness, organization, and programs for safe long-term operation (LTO).
Borssele NPP, operated by Elektriciteits-Produktiemaatschappij Zuid-Nederland (EPZ), is situated on the country’s coast, roughly 165 kilometers south of Amsterdam. The plant’s single unit is a pressurized water reactor with a net electrical output of 485 MW(e), contributing 3.2% of the total electricity generation in the country. It was put into commercial operation in 1973 with a design life of 40 years. The plant had previously received approval to extend the operational period to 2033, and the plant’s intention – as requested by the Dutch government – is to extend the operation for a subsequent period until 2054.
The mission was conducted by a twelve-person team consisting of experts from Argentina, France, Slovenia, Spain, and the United States, as well as four observers from Hungary, South Korea, Sweden, and Switzerland, and two IAEA staff members. The team held discussions with staff from the Borssele NPP and conducted site walkdowns during the review.
“The team observed that EPZ is preparing for safe continued long-term operation and the plant staff are cooperative, professional, and open to suggestions for improvement,” said team leader and IAEA Senior Nuclear Safety Officer Gabor Petofi. “We encourage the plant to address the review findings and implement the remaining LTO-related activities as planned.”
The team identified two good practices that will be shared with the nuclear industry globally, including:
- Use of a 360-degree imaging system for enhanced planning of aging management activities to reduce radiation dose to plant personnel.
- Use of a portable tablet for field inspectors to conduct aging management inspections of civil structures and record findings.
The team also provided 15 recommendations and suggestions to further improve safe subsequent LTO, including that:
- The plant should complete the development and implementation of the aging management programs for mechanical and electrical components.
- The plant should enhance the aging management of civil structures.
- The plant should effectively update and implement the human resources strategy to support LTO.
The plant management expressed a determination to implement the mission findings. “We appreciate the IAEA’s support to our plant in aging management and preparation for safe subsequent LTO,” said Carlo Wolters, CEO of EPZ. “It is very important for us to get an external view of our preparations in an early phase. The competencies and experience of the IAEA team enabled an effective identification of our areas for improvement. The results of this mission will help us to improve our activities for safe subsequent LTO and to further align them with IAEA safety standards.”
The team provided a draft report to the plant management and to the ANVS. The plant management and ANVS will have an opportunity to make factual comments on the draft. A final report will be submitted to the plant management, ANVS, and the Dutch Government within three months.