
MRS Honors 2015 Fall Meeting Graduate Student Award Winners

MRSWARRENDALE, PA  – The Materials Research Society (MRS) announced the winners of the 2015 MRS Fall Meeting Graduate Student Awards on Wednesday, December 2, during the 2015 MRS Fall Meeting in Boston, Massachusetts. The MRS Graduate Student Award is intended to honor and encourage graduate students for their academic achievements and current materials research which displays a high level of excellence and distinction. Of the 209 applications processed this year, 29 finalists were recognized for their exceptional ability and promise for significant future achievement in materials research. Gold or Silver Awards were decided based on oral or poster presentations given on the afternoon of Tuesday, December 1.

In addition to the MRS Graduate Student Gold and Silver Awards, the Arthur Nowick Graduate Student Award, which honors the late Dr. Arthur Nowick and his lifelong commitment to teaching and mentoring students in materials science, was presented to a finalist who shows particular promise as a future teacher and mentor. The 2015 MRS Fall Meeting recipient of the Arthur Nowick Graduate Student Award was Stacy Copp of the University of California, Santa Barbara.

The Graduate Student Awards and Arthur Nowick Award were presented at the MRS Awards Ceremony on Wednesdayevening in the Grand Ballroom of the Sheraton Boston Hotel. Prizes consisted of $400 and a presentation plaque for the Gold Award winners and $200 and a certificate for the Silver Award winners.