The Photonics Global Conference (PGC) is a biennial event held since 2008. The aim of this conference is to foster interactions among broad disciplines in the photonics family. The conference will provide a platform for international academics, researchers, practitioners and students working in the photonics areas to discuss new developments, concepts and practices, and to identify synergies in research directions that will lead to broader and deeper applications of photonics. Previous conference attracted about 300 delegates from 32 countries.
Now, the Photonics Global Conference will be held in Singapore from 28 June to 03 July, 2015. All major areas in photonics technologies will be covered in talks, along with invited/special sessions. This is an opportunity for researchers around the world to exchange ideas and latest research results in areas such as metamaterial, nanophotonics, biophotonics, plasmonics, optical communication devices/systems and related fields. We look forward to your participation so as to make this conference an exciting and fruitful event. Papers presenting original work in, but not limited to, the following technical symposia are invited for submission.