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PolyU International Research Centre for Communication in Healthcare launches first-of-its-kind communication training for healthcare professionals

The International Research Centre for Communication in Healthcare (IRCCH) formed by The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) and University of Technology Sydney (UTS) launched first-of-its-kind communication training programmes for healthcare professionals in Hong Kong.

150702-p1The International Research Centre for Communication in Healthcare (IRCCH) formed by The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) and University of Technology Sydney (UTS) launched first-of-its-kind communication training programmes for healthcare professionals in Hong Kong. The training programmes aim to improve communication between clinician and patient, thereby improving the quality of healthcare service, as well as physical and psychological well-being of patients.

Communication training for doctors and nurses are conventionally conducted by clinicians without the involvement of linguists or communication experts. However, there has been mounting evidence over the past decade that ineffective communication at all levels of the healthcare system leads to poor clinical outcomes and grievances. In this light, the IRCCH brings together renowned healthcare professionals and academics with linguist and communication experts for cross-disciplinary collaboration in developing communication training programmes to healthcare professionals. 

The IRCCH launched its Asia-Pacific Healthcare Hub of Charter for Compassion on 29 June 2015 at the Third Symposium on Healthcare Communication on PolyU campus. The Charter provides the foundation for IRCCH’s research, education and practice initiatives and restores five categories of fundamental human values in healthcare, which include (1) Compassion; (2) Respect for persons; (3) Commitment to integrity and ethical practice; (4) Commitment to excellence; and (5) Justice in healthcare. According to Interim Director Marilyn Turkovich, the Charter for Compassion works collaboratively with 1300 partners in almost 50 countries to promote education in the field of compassionate healthcare, as well as interventions that can ameliorate the stress faced by healthcare professionals. By working with IRCCH through the new Asia-Pacific Healthcare Hub, the Charter for Compassion will support further research and training in the field of healthcare communication. 

The launching ceremony for IRCCH’s Asia-Pacific Healthcare Hub of Charter for Compassion was officiated by Professor Sophia Chan, Under Secretary for Food and Health of the HKSAR Government, as well as Professor Diana Slade, Director of IRCCH, Professor Mary Spongberg, Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences at the University of Technology Sydney, Professor Ming-Sum Tsui, Associate Dean of the Faculty of Health and Social Sciences at PolyU, Interim Director Marilyn Turkovich of the Charter for Compassion and Dr. Elizabeth Rider of the Global Compassion Council on the Charter for Compassion.

Welcoming this initiative, Professor Sophia Chan said, “The healthcare sector in Hong Kong is at a pivotal moment. We are faced with new and evolving challenges, so we need to approach healthcare from a collaborative and integrated angle, delivering services as a team of healthcare professionals, including patients and their families as well”. Dr Elizabeth Rider of Harvard Medical School and Chair of the IRCCH External Advisory Committee emphasised the importance of IRCCH’s collaborative efforts to “translate research findings into practical action strategies” that can improve outcomes for patients worldwide. 

Past research studies conducted by the IRCCH revealed that there are many challenges in communications in Emergency Department within Hong Kong, due to the multicultural, multilingual healthcare context as well as issues such as overcrowding and time pressure on healthcare professionals.