nasa 3

Space to ground

A look towards the international space station

nasa-3The crew member of the space station are up to with their new launch of the year.  They have already set Space’s Dragon as the first cargo vehicle  for its first fly to the station as the first delivery of the new year 2015. In this flight Dragon is said to be delivering over 5,000 pounds of supplies and new scientific payloads to the expedition 42 crew.

January sixth was scheduled for the liftoff of Falcon nine which was later postponed by the crew members of the space station  when the components of the Falcon nine rocket’s second stage failed to perform as expected.

The trip of dragon is said to be the newest group of insect resident for the study in micro gravity. As in space some microbes can be really virulent surviving on its own adaptive characters. For the study  scientist will be observing the insects like the common fruit fly as an important model for studying human immune system and the biological effects of spaceflight.

The makeup of the space station is designed to remain in space for long time as said by the crews of the space station. They said the making of the station is done with lots of different hardware so the time line varies. The old model Zarya was originally certified for 15 years in space but assessments were done to double the time period to 30 — or 2028. The automated transfer vehicle -five atmospheric reentry which is coming up in February is said to be closely studied when they will finally need to bring the station out of orbit safely.