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Topological Dipole Field Theory becomes more notable

Germany— Over dozens of years, physicists are searching for a plausible extension of the Standard model to explain unsolved problems in physics. Ideas of these physicists range from supersymmetry to grand unification theories. Now, one of the candidate extensions of the Standard model of particle physics is Topological Dipole Field Theory.

Independent researcher Patrick Linker

This is a theory found by independent researcher Patrick Linker. The dynamics of force carriers like photons (force carrier of electromagnetic interaction) and gluons (force carrier of strong interaction) is modified with this theory. In comparison with the Standard model, Topological Dipole Field Theory (TDFT) predicts that force carriers are fluctuating more than the Standard model predicts. This leads to some interesting consequences in certain physical systems. The theory is called a topological dipole field theory because the additional scattering amplitudes of the theory depend only on topological properties of an intrinsic dipole moment that is an intrinsic degree of freedom of bosons proposed by TDFT. Several intrinsic degree of freedom are well-known in quantum mechanics, e.g. the spin.

Interesting results of the theory can be obtained if scattering amplitudes are computed within a short space and time interval. According to quantum mechanics, energy and momentum is uncertain in such small space and time regions. The more energy the boson has, the more additional interactions predicted by TDFT become significant. Also fluctuations in energy and momentum become more significant at high energy scales.

A recent numerical computation thewinnower of TDFT shows that an incoming gamma ray with monochromatic frequency will scatter into photons with different frequencies. Naturally this amount of additional photons is much smaller in most cases. However, regions with higher frequency than the frequency of the incoming gamma ray will tend more to create particle-antiparticle pairs than regions with low frequency. Such a process becomes important at the first few Planck seconds after the Big Bang: Some regions have more antimatter than other; this is called the Baryon asymmetry. The Baryon asymmetry is one of the unsolved problems in physics.

Even in macroscopic phenomena effects predicted by TDFT can occur. As an example, there was not found an evidence of materializations of humans by a human medium (that were observed by Albert-Schrenk Notzing). Materializations mediums are creating humans by their mind for a short time; they think about the human that should be materialized intensively. A long time these materialization phenomena were regarded as a fraud since no scientific explainations were possible for this phenomenon. But now TDFT states the possibility that around any electromagnetic scattering processes taking place in the brain, some photons with other frequencies can be created; these frequencies can start some other processes in the human body which lead finally to a materialization of humans for a short time. In very long time scales, energy is conserved and effects of TDFT can be neglected.

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Pie chart showing data of particles

The research on TDFT was a long and hard way. Patrick Linker studies mechanics at Technische Universität Darmstadt, but is very interested in Theoretical physics and has read numerous books and articles in this area. His favorite branch of theoretical physics is quantum field theory. Since years Patrick Linker thought about a theory that can explain things like the Baryon asymmetry. He tried to create new theories, but failed multiple times until TDFT was finally published (https://thewinnower.com/papers/2658-topological-dipole-field-theory). Open peer review (a peer review process that is performed open and not by very critical referees) was also his advantage; the reviews were all positive. The concept of open peer review is a very new concept and allows that a paper can be uploaded, where after upload the paper can be reviewed open by registered people. A scientific works gets reliable the more positive reviews are earned; there is no yes and no as in traditional peer review. So Patrick Linker published all papers concerning TDFT in the scientific journal “The Winnower” with open peer review.

With further hard work Patrick Linker published a paper for the TDFT theory  and made a computation of in another paper . While his original TDFT paper was about the generalization of quantum electrodynamics, the generalization, which was the topic of his second paper, was a generalization of general quantum field theories of bosons. In the Standard model, such general theories for bosons are called Yang-Mills theories. More interesting was the paper about the computation of scattering amplitudes. Patrick Linker computed scattering amplitudes with a nonconservation of energy and momentum for a short time. In the conclusions was stated that exactly this TDFT amplified nonconservation of energy causes Baryon asymmetry and dark energy. Dark energy is a form of energy which is still undiscovered. But according to TDFT it is a form of fluctuations in energy that is caused by high-energetic processes in the early era of the universe. On this early era of the universe the universe had the highest energy density.

Patrick Linker has found some people that are interested in his theory. The theory might open some new closed doors in Theoretical Physics. Now he is working on an alternative theory of quantum gravity. He will work out a new geometrical concept to construct such a theory. Soon it will appear also at the journal “The Winnower”. This magazine article shows how successful the open peer review can be in science. Even in Wikipedia Patrick Linker disseminated TDFT. Someone deleted a citation of his paper mentioned in Wikipedia after a while. He probably did not know how articles in journals with open peer review can be reliable and thought that his paper was only self-published an therefore dubious. But since TDFT has many good reviews and was mentioned in magazines before, it can be regarded as a scientific theory that is worth to be cited in other research papers, books and other magazines.